Icons of the Realms: Tomb of Annihilation Booster Pack

€ 15,99
Artikelnummer: 634482728710

Breng de helden, schurken en monsters uit de jungle van Chult en het graf van de negen goden tot leven in deze nieuwste serie fantasieminiaturen!

Verzamel alle 44 figuren uit Tomb of Annihilation, de nieuwste reeks willekeurig gesorteerde monsters en helden in onze spannende lijn van D&D-miniaturen, Icons of the Realms.

Avonturiers zijn naar het jungle-schiereiland Chult gestuurd, waar ze allerlei gevaren onder ogen moeten zien om de verloren stad te vinden. Avonturiers hebben alle hulp nodig die ze kunnen krijgen om door de tombe en de kwaadaardige architect van de kerker - The Lich Acererak - te komen.

Elke booster bevat 3 Medium/Small en 1 Large Pre-painted Miniaturen. De figuren zijn willekeurig. 

1 - Redcap- Common - Small
2 - Batiri Goblin - Common - Small
3 - Vegepygmy - Common - Small
4 - Zobo - Common - Small
5a - Velociraptor - Common - Small
5b - Velociraptor - Common - Small
6a - Skeleton Key - Common - Medium
6b - Skeleton Key - Common - Medium
6c - Skeleton Key - Common - Medium
7a - Qawasha - Common - Medium
7b - Human Druid - Common - Medium
8a - Orc - Common - Medium
8b - Orc - Common - Medium
9 - Chultan Zombie - Common - Medium
10 - Monodrone - Common - Medium
11 - Su-Monster - Common - Medium
12a - Firenewt - Common - Medium
12b - Firenewt - Common - Medium
13 - Aldani - Common - Medium
14 - Vegepygmy Chief - Uncommon - Medium
15 - Batiri Goblin - Uncommon - Small
16a - Skeleton - Uncommon - Medium
16b - Skeleton - Uncommon - Medium
17 - Aldani - Uncommon - Medium
18 - Valindra Shadowmantle - Uncommon - Medium
19 - Duodrone - Uncommon - Medium
20a - Werebear - Uncommon - Medium
20b - Werebear - Uncommon - Medium
21a - Tabaxi Ministrel - Uncommon - Medium
21b - Tabaxi Ministrel - Uncommon - Medium
22 - Artus Cimber - Uncommon - Medium
23 - Asharra - Uncommon - Medium
24 - Yuan-Ti Broodguard - Uncommon - Medium
25a - Dao - Uncommon - Large
25b - Dao - Uncommon - Large
26a - Merrow - Uncommon - Large
26b - Merrow - Uncommon - Large
27 - Kamadan - Uncommon - Large
28 - Pterafolk - Uncommon - Large
29 - Giant Scorpion - Uncommon - Large
30 - Mantrap - Uncommon - Large
31 - Girallon - Uncommon - Large
32a - Nycaloth - Uncommon - Large
32b - Nycaloth - Uncommon - Large
33 - Ras Nsi - Rare - Medium
34 - Ultroloth - Rare - Medium
35 - Nothic - Rare - Medium
36 - Nanny Pu'pu - Rare - Medium
37 - Couatl - Rare - Medium
38 - Acererak - Rare - Medium
39 - Dragonbait - Rare - Medium
40 - Minsc and Boo - Rare - Medium
41 - Marilith - Rare - Large
42 - Draegloth - Rare - Large
43 - Stone Juggernaut - Rare - Large
44 - Giant Four-Armed Gargoyle - Rare - Large
7a - Qawasha (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
18 - Valinda Shadowmantle (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
22 - Artus Cimber (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
23 - Asharra (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
34 - Ultroloth (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
36 - Nanny Pu'pu (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
37 - Couatl (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
38 - Acererak (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
39 - Dragonbait (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium
40 - Minsc and Boo (Invisible) - Very Rare - Medium